Google, on the 18th of July, launched a forwarding system for its email platform in three African countries including Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana.
This means you can now receive your email on your phone as SMS without internet connection. Since internet connection is still a bit of a luxury with a flaky reputation sometimes, many who have internet capable mobile phone do not bother themselves with enabling their phones.
This is where Gmail comes to the rescue, if you use it in the first place. There is no fee to be paid when you are just receiving messages but standard charges will apply when you are sending out or replying an email. These out going emails are also composed as SMS.
How to configure your Gmail to forward your emails to your phone
1. In your Gmail, click on Account found in the drop down when you click on your name (top right).
2. You will see the above notification in your. Just click on the Phone and SMS settings and you will be directed to the section where you can configure your phone. This just entails typing in your phone number appropriately.
You see where you have the Mobile Phone +234 (for Nigeria), you should place your mobile number without the first zero (e.g. if you number is 08012345678, you type in 8012345678)
A point to note is that there might be a delay when you click on Send Code depending on your network. It took mine about 5 - 10 mins before I received the code which I put into the next field that opens up.
Once this is done, however, you are good to go.
P.S. If you have any issues, see Google Africa post here.
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