Make Your Blog Look more Professional! - Digital Space

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Make Your Blog Look more Professional!

Wow! That was my expression after my tinkering with this blogspot right here. I'm sure if you are a regular visitor of TechNewSpace, you would agree with me that it now has a better look and navigation is light years away from where it used to be ...and content is more accessible too!

Well, I've been looking for a way to better this blog for a while now and it never dawned on me that the folks at Google have added a number of secret weapons. I will itemize my additions in a bit.

This has been my biggest headache from day one. Blogspot lacked the feel of a professional website without that menu bar right up there under the header. I initially used a HTML code to add a navigation bar but it always looked like something tacked on. Well now, it's superfly!

Wanna add it to your blogspot? Just go to Layout after you log on and click on "add gadget." Select "Pages" from the Basic category (or is it Featured categories? Anyways, you'll find it :)) and add to your page. It's very intuitive and it has one trick up its sleeves - can act as both link list by the side or navigation bar below the header. Just drag to your required position and it will change accordingly.

Popular Posts
I also added popular post to show all the post that have been hit the most. I like this little addition because most of  the favourite posts on this blog are not the most recent. So this addition does two things: adds an array of your most popular posts and makes more of your post accessible from the landing page.

(You can add the popular post feature by following the guideline from the previous point.)

Changed Layout
I have always had the newsletter sign-up in this blog but it never caught on because of the previous position. However, rearranging the layout (it used to be main content flanked by two side bars on either side) to this current one gave me room to make it more visible right at the top of the two side bars. Fingers crossed, hopefully the sign-up rate would shoot up **make my day by signing up, pleeeease :)

What else?
Oh, yes! I also brought the site view to a more prominent place - it adds a little swag to the site, doesn't it?

Well that's about it - unless I forgot something? Don't think so. Shoot me a comment if you have any questions or suggestions. Thanks for taking time out to read this.

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