Do You Need Google+? - Digital Space

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Do You Need Google+?

There was a question related to the subjected posed by someone on LinkedIn the other day. Below is an answer I sent to the person. I thought it might be helpful here:

“Ok. 1st, Google+ (G+) is so robust, that I will risk calling it the Social platform of the future. Facebook (FB) and Twitter introduced us to the world of social, but they have serious limitations. 

2. By default everyone you are connected to see what you post on FB and twitter. Not so on G+. You can select your audience and who you can see what you are sharing (photos, posts, etc). THis is what Circle (a very interactive and fun way to categorize people in G+) is for. 

3. The world of G+ is fraught with smart, intelligent people that you don't have the problem of lack of people to interact with. Social networking is supposed to help you meet new people, right? There are ways by which you can send invite to all your contacts on FB but up on till now I find it unnecessary. Not everyone will see the need. So why not meet new, interesting people? 

- Comments and interactions gets updated automatically twitter-style in G+ so no need to click on notifications or refresh your page. 

- Probably one of the most unsung coolest feature in G+ is that you are not obligated to add people to your circle after they have added you (but it's kinda rude not to add someone who's added you, don't you think?) - There is group video chat (if you are into that kind of thing) 

- You can only discover the pleasures of G+ when you join and play around with the awesome features. I am still discovering stuff after about 5 days of usage and I keep going back there instinctively not as a matter of duty. - If you do decide to go on G+, you can find me here: Send me an email if u don't have an invite already. 

- Do add me to one of your Circles, if you please and I'll definitely add you to one of mine! All the best!”

End of quote.

There is always a place for new things with real value. However, if you don't see the need to join yet another social network, don't feel pressure to sign up for G+. I personally dislike the fact that all my "friends" are connected to all my post and some might not appreciate my constant yapping. Anyways, the choice is yours.

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